Discretionary financial services providers registered with the SARB


If you have further questions about the quarterly asset allocation report for investment managers, please do not hesitate to contact us

Quarterly Asset Allocation Report : Discretionary financial services providers registered with the SARB Glossary/Explanatory Notes
Institution Name:

Section A: Asset Allocation1,2

Asset Class 3
Institutional Assets 4
Retail Assets 5
Rand Denominated
Foreign currency denominated
Rand Denominated
Foreign currency denominated
Domestic assets
Foreign assets 6
Domestic assets
Foreign assets 6
A) Cash & Deposits 7
B) Bonds & Debentures 8
C) Property 9
D) Equities 10
D.1) Equities with primary listing on South African exchanges
D.2) Equities with secondary listing on South African exchanges
D.3) Other foreign equities
D.4) Unlisted equities
D.5) Equity index-linked instruments
E) Other portfolio assets 11
F) Total portfolio assets 12
F.1) Assets deemed African 13

G) Institutional assets including African assets for excon purposes 14
% of total institutional assets: 18
H) Institutional assets deemed African for statistical purposes 15
% of total institutional assets: 19
I) Retail assets including African assets for excon purposes 16
% of total retail assets: 20
J) Retail assets deemed African for statistical purposes 17
% of total retail assets: 21

Section B : Certification
I, *

(chairperson of the board, principal officer or public officer), duly authorised by the board to complete this report, confirm that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and not misleading in any respect.

Section C: Contact Details

Name and Address of authorised official completing this report:

Telephone: *
Email: *