A bank-level analysis of interest rate pass-through in South Africa

Not so easy: why quantitative easing is inappropriate for South Africa

Analysing the spillover effects of the South African Reserve Bank’s bond purchase programme

The bond market impact of the South African Reserve Bank bond purchase programme

Building back fairer from the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa: Some first-step reforms in an era of fiscal constraints

Big data forecasting of South African inflation

Short-term impacts and interaction of macroprudential policy tools

Tariffs on basic foods: evolution and impacts 

Wage inequality under inflation-targeting in South Africa

Understanding South Africa’s trade policy and performance

State-dependent fiscal multipliers and financial dynamics: An impulse response analysis by local projections for South Africa

Risk and Return Spillovers in a Global Model of the Foreign Exchange Network 

Identifying Steady-State Growth and Inflation in the South African Economy, 1960-2020

Identifying Supply and Demand Shocks in the South African Economy, 1960–2020

Human Capital and the Timing of the First Birth

Building a competitive and dynamic green industrial sector in South Africa after COVID-19 

Macro works: applying integrated policy frameworks to South Africa

Fiscal risks and their impact on banks’ capital buffers in South Africa

Addressing low labour utilisation in South Africa

Fiscal multipliers in South Africa after the global financial crisis 

Sailing into the Wind: evaluating the (near) future of Monetary Policy in South Africa

Estimates of bank-level funding costs in South Africa

Measuring Systemic Risk in South African Banks

How firms and experts view the Phillips curve: evidence from individual and aggregate data from South Africa 

Taxpayer responsiveness to taxation: Evidence from bunching at kink points of the South African income tax schedule