General guidelines"Public enterprises" refers to government enterprises, such as the water boards and public corporations, such as Transnet Limited. See the latest Institutional Sector Classification Guide for South Africa for more detail on "public enterprises"."Public institution" refers to public financial institutions, such as the Development Bank of Southern Africa and educational institutions, for instance universities and universities of technology.The public enterprise or institution completing the return.Information reported in this form should cover only new issues and redemptions of, and transactions in, marketable bonds during the abovementioned month, and should exclude data relating to loans raised or redeemed. Marketable bonds are defined as fixed-income securities that are marketable through the Bond Exchange of South Africa or through direct negotiation and for which transfer registers are usually kept. These securities should be distinguished from other acknowledgements of debt that may not be disposed of by the holders thereof, such as non-marketable paper issued against annuity and other loans. Please note that quarterly data in respect of transactions in outstanding bonds and bond holders' total holdings are also required in Part VI of this form, but only in the returns of quarter-end months, namely March, June, September and December.New issuesrefer to public issues as well as private placings of securities. Private placings should, however, not be confused with negotiations of loans.Issues of bonds by the reporting organisation to its internal funds, such as its redemption fund, should be reported in this return, but loans from internal funds should be excluded.If the space in any of the tables is insufficient for providing the required information, photocopies of the appropriate tables may be used."Nil returns" should be submitted when no movements occurred during a month. Please note, quarter-end returns should always reflect total outstanding balances as required in Part VI.Queries should be addressed to: Public Finance Division, Research Department, South African Reserve Bank, P O Box 7433, Pretoria, 0001; tel. no. (012) 313-3521 and fax no. (012) 313-4014.A reply-paid envelope is enclosed for mailing the form to the Bank.A duplicate of this form must be retained for reference purposes.