The main purpose of the form BA940 is to obtain selected locational information
based on residence regarding-
(a) a bank’s total financial assets or claims, including-
(i) loans;
(ii) holdings of debt securities; and
(iii) other assets.
(b) a bank’s total financial liabilities, including-
(i) deposits;
(ii) own issues of debt securities; and
(iii) other liabilities.
(c) positions across sectors, duly distinguishing between positions related to-
(i) all sectors;
(ii) banks, in respect of which a bank shall distinguish between
(A) banks, inter-office; and
(B) central banks
(iii) non-bank financial institutions;
(iv) non-financial institutions;
(v) general government;
(vi) households; and
(vii) a separate category in respect of unallocated positions