Publication Details

Form BA900 – Institutional and maturity breakdown of liabilities and assetsThe purpose of the form BA 900 primarily is-

(a)    to obtain selected balance sheet information of banks for economic statistics purposes;

(b)    to calculate a range of key financial indicators, including indicators in respect of money supply, credit extension and net foreign assets of the banking system, in accordance with international standards, which indicators-

(i) are used by local and international economists and analysts for analytical purposes;

(ii)are published on a monthly basis on the Reserve Bank Website;

(c)    to obtain selected data required for the compilation of flow statistics relating to the monetary and credit aggregates and the flow-of-funds accounts;

(d)    to obtain selected data required to analyse flows in respect of mortgage advances, credit card debtors and instalment sale transactions;

(e)    to obtain selected data in respect of the scale of banking activity in South Africa. 
