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General information1.Purpose of surveyThis survey is taken for statistical purposes in order to compile official statements of South Africa's Balance of Payments and international investment position, of which returns also have to be submitted to the International Monetary Fund in terms of Section 5 of Article VIII of the Articles of Agreement of the Fund.2.AuthorityThe information requested is collected in terms of the regulations published under Government Notices 702 and 703 of 20 April 1956.3.SecrecyIn terms of clause 4 of the regulations referred to above, all employees of the Reserve Bank involved in this survey are sworn to secrecy. Over and above this provision, assurance is given that no action of any kind will be taken under the Exchange Control Regulations against any organisation or person on the grounds of information furnished in this survey.4.PenaltyRefusal or neglect to furnish the information called for, is an offence subject to penalty.5.Unit of recordingAll figures should be reported in thousands of foreign currency.6.Foreign countriesOnly aggregates relating to all foreign countries, including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland, should be reported.7.EstimatesIf accurate information is not available, best estimates should be provided.8.Nil returnsA nil-return should be submitted where applicable.9.Duplicate of returnA duplicate of this return must be retained for reference purposes.10.QueriesQueries should be addressed to:Balance of Payments Division,Research Department,South African Reserve Bank,PO Box 7433,Pretoria,0001;telephone (012) 313-3099fax (012) 313-4013/3759